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      • men_b_w_tshirt men_color_tshirt men_hoodie
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      • kids_b_w_tshirt kids_color_tshirt kids_hoodie
      • ctrl+a Select all objects
        ctrl+d Double the activate object
        ctrl+e Clear all objects
        ctrl+s Save current stage to my design
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        ctrl++ Zoom out
        ctrl+- Zoom in
        ctrl+0 Reset zoom
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        ctrl+shift+z Redo changes
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        delete Delete the activate object
        Move the activate object to left
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        Move the activate object to bottom
        shift+ Move the activate object to left 10px
        shift+ Move the activate object to top 10px
        shift+ Move the activate object to right 10px
        shift+ Move the activate object to bottom 10px
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        Powered by Saif Reda -- iTBA3LI TEAM

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          Tips: Mouse wheel on the canvas to quick change the brush size
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          • Group objects Group the position of selected objects
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              Save this color

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              • Automatically align the position of <br>the active object with other objects
              • ON: Keep all current objects and append the template into<br> OFF: Clear all objects before installing the template
              • Replace the selected image object instead of creating a new one
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            • Clear Filters
            • Click then drag the mouse to start drawing. Ctrl+Z = undo, Ctrl+Shift+Z = redo
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              • Fill options

                Save this color

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                • Press &leftarrow; &uparrow; &rightarrow; &downarrow; to move 1 px, <br>Hit simultaneously SHIFT key to move 10px
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              • Transforms
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                • Flip X:
                  Flip Y:

                  Free transform by press SHIFT+⤡

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                • Edit text

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